girl in the water wearing an Xlarge horizontal herkimer diamond gemstone copper ring.

Perfectly Imperfect April Herkimer Diamond

Like autumn dew glistening in the early morning sunrise, the Herkimer Diamond is the celebrated April birthstone and symbolizes the great awakening of life once more. It also celebrates the 10th anniversary and aligns with the qualities of Sagittarius in the Zodiac. This dazzling gemstone, otherwise known as the stone of attunement, has been gracing the earth for millennia.

Herkimer diamonds are beautiful double-terminated quartz crystals found in Herkimer, New York. The crystals are magnificent works of nature and are found naturally faceted in the rock, each having eighteen facets and two points. However, unlike real diamonds, they have to be cut by man to give them their facets.
The Mohawk Indians held these crystals in high esteem and used them to make amulets. According to their belief, the Herkimer diamond brought healing energy and assisted them in nurturing visions, tapping into clairvoyant capabilities, and promoting dream recall.
The Herkimer diamond is believed to assist one in attuning with another person, the environment or an activity. It is thought to energize, enliven and promote creativity while representing ease, peace and calm in uncomfortable or fearful situations.

This precious gem is more than the beauty it holds. For me, it is a unique gemstone that represents the power to connect us to our authentic selves. I have recently thought about what it means to truly show up as the rare and precious gems that we are. In a time where so much of our life has become about crafting the perfect picture for likes and comments, it can be difficult to shake off these exoskeletons of acceptance and expectations and fully step into ourselves.

It reminds me of a diamond's glaring and alluring beauty, reflective surfaces and sharp edges. Cut and polished to perfection to dazzle the viewer with tricks of light. In comparison, when we look at the Herkimer diamond, its perfection lies within its imperfections. When we look at a Herkimer diamond, we witness the magnificence of its lifetime of experiences and stories; every crevice and inclusion serves as a testimony of its journey. Every flaw is precisely what makes this gem marvellously unique and even more beautiful.

This April, let us allow ourselves to be seen as cracked and flawed as we are. As Leonard Cohen said, "There is a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in." Let us embrace the brilliance of our raw selves and the light that glows from within, exposing our imperfections and showing everyone our most honest selves.


Our April's Herkimer Diamond Collection is available online.  Our creative studio is open by appointment only by contacting me on 

Wishing you all a fabulous April full of abundance in happiness and health.

With love from


Rethea ❌⭕️❌⭕️



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